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In case you did not get enough the last time

When this column was originally written, Jeff was taking a break, supposedly writing his dissertation. Personally, I think he was procrastinating - doing "research" in Disneyland, hiking the Himalayas, working on MPI-3 or some other academic endeavor. In the meantime, Hello, I'm Brian - I'll be your host this month. We have lots of flavors on tap here at the House of MPI, including the new, Atkins-friendly, low-carb MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED.

A Quick Datatype Review

Sidebar: Why not MPI_BYTE?
MPI provides the datatype MPI_BYTE to represent a byte of memory. The MPI implementation will not perform any datatype conversion on the buffer. So why not use MPI_BYTE and avoid all the complexity of datatypes?

Using MPI_BYTE prevents MPI from performing any data conversion (as discussed in last month's article). Data padding and alignment issues, normally completely hidden from the user, must be taken into account. In C, this is generally not a problem because C programmers are used to dealing with padding issues. However, Fortran generally does a good job of handling padding and alignment behind the scenes. Using MPI_BYTE forces dangerous assumptions about the sizes of various datatypes.

In the last column we examined basic MPI datatypes. Datatypes provide necessary information to the MPI library about data format and location. As we saw last month, MPI provides both basic datatypes (MPI_INT) and the ability to create more advanced user-defined datatypes. MPI can use the type information to perform any format conversion, such as endian or size, necessary to communicate between two peers. Datatypes also simplify sending C structures or arrays of elements.

This month, we expand on our datatype coverage. Without knowledge of the basics of MPI datatypes, this month may be more difficult than the previous articles to follow. So find last month's magazine and read the basics of datatypes before getting started. In addition to performance benefits from letting the MPI do packing and unpacking, datatypes can simplify an application and help ensure messages are received correctly.

How to Avoid Datatypes

Despite what was said in the last column and the remainder of this column, there are times where using user-defined datatypes are not the best option. Legacy applications may require explicitly buffers for sending, as was common with libraries before MPI. Data layout and size may be dynamic during execution of the application, which makes defining datatypes difficult. For these situations, MPI provides the ability to explicitly pack noncontiguous data into user provided buffers using MPI_PACK, with MPI_UNPACK for unpacking. Listing 1 shows an example of using MPI_PACK to send the structure used last month, rather than creating a matching type.

Listing 1: Building a buffer using MPI_PACK
 1 struct my_struct {
 2     int int_value[10];
 3     double average;
 4     char debug_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
 5     int flag;
 6 };
 7 void send_data(struct my_struct data, MPI_Comm comm, int rank) {
 8     char buf[BUFSIZE];
 9     int pos = 0;
10     MPI_Pack(&data.int_value, 10, MPI_INT, buf, BUFSIZE, &pos, comm);
11     MPI_Pack(&data.average, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, buf, BUFSIZE, &pos, comm);
12     MPI_Pack(&data.debug_name,MAX_NAME_LEN, MPI_CHAR, buf, BUFSIZE, &pos, comm);
13     MPI_Pack(&data.flag, 1, MPI_INT, buf, BUFSIZE, &pos, comm);
14     MPI_Send(buf, pos, MPI_PACKED, rank, 0, comm);
15 }

Sending Columns of a Matrix

In C, sending a row of a matrix is easy, as the row is stored in consecutive bytes of memory. A column is more difficult, as the row must be traversed before arriving at the next element in the column. This space is often called the stride. Without user-defined datatypes, there are two ways to send a column to another process: send each element individually or pack the elements into an array by hand. The code below shows how to avoid the hassle by creating an MPI datatype.

Listing 2: Creating a C matrix column datatype
1 double buf[10][12];
2 MPI_Datatype column;
3 MPI_Type_vector(10, 1, 12, MPI_DOUBLE, &column);
4 MPI_Type_commit(&column);
5 MPI_Send(buf[2], 1, column, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

In the listing above , the type is committed and immediately used. Once committed, the datatype can be reused throughout the program. By adjusting the index in the MPI_SEND, any column in the matrix can be sent. Not only is the number of lines of code required to send a column using user-defined datatypes smaller than if packed the buffer by hand, an MPI implementation has the option to avoid packing the data before sending. Some communication channels allow "vectored sends," meaning the ability to send from many data locations and receive into many data locations.

Send Only What Is Needed

Thus far, we have looked at ways to send simple datatypes, an entire matrix, parts of a matrix, and an entire structure. It is also possible to send only part of a structure. Listing 3 provides an example of sending selected elements of a structure using datatypes. For example, in a simple traffic simulation, a local vehicle may only need to know the position and velocity of a remote vehicle. Locally, fuel and destination are also tracked.

Listing 3: Using parts of a structure
 1 struct vehicle {
 2     double position[3];
 3     double destination[3];
 4     double velocity[3];
 5     double fuel;
 6 }
 7 struct vehicle cars[10];
 8 MPI_Datatype tmp_car_type, car_type;
 9 int i, counts[2]={ 3, 3 };
10 MPI_Datatype types[2]={ MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_DOUBLE };
11 MPI_Aint disps[2];
12 MPI_Address(&cars[0].position, &disps[0]);
13 MPI_Address(&cars[0].velocity, &disps[1]);
14 disps[1] -= disps[0];
15 MPI_Type_struct(2, counts, disps, types, &tmp_car_type);
16 MPI_Type_create_resized(tmp_car_type, 0, sizeof(struct vehicle), &car_type);
16 MPI_Type_commit(&car_type);
17 MPI_Send(cars, 10, car_type, ...);

Lower Bounds, Upper Bounds, and Extents

The vehicle example introduced one of the most confusing parts of datatypes: bounds and extents. Every datatype has a lower bound, upper bound, and extent. The lower bound is the offset from the start of the user buffer to the start of the first datatype entry for the buffer. In the vehicle example above, if the fuel entry was first instead of last, MPI would need to know that it should skip over the fuel entry to find the destination entry. In this case, the lower bound would be sizeof(double). MPI_ADDRESS can be used to compute the lower bound, similar to how offsets between datatype entries are found. The lower bound can either be adjusted using MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED or MPI_TYPE_LB.

The upper bound is end of the last element in a datatype, plus any required padding. If there were an array of a given datatype, the start of the next entry would be directly after the upper bound of the current entry. The extent is the size of the datatype, or the upper bound minus the lower bound. Although the datatype's upper bound can be set using MPI_TYPE_UB, it is often much easier and less error prone to set the extent using MPI_TYPE_CREATE_RESIZED.

One-off Datatypes

In each of the datatype examples presented thus far, an instance of a structure is used to determine addresses of each element in the datatype. The addresses are then used to determine offsets to use in the datatype. The resulting datatype can be used to describe any instance of the same structure. However, there are some instances where a "one-off" datatype is created to describe a structure that will only exist once. In these cases, determining addresses to find offsets, only to use the offsets to recompute the addresses is wasteful.

MPI provides the constant MPI_BOTTOM to for instances where computing offsets will be wasteful.

Listing 4: Simple use of MPI_BOTTOM
MPI_Send(MPI_BOTTOM, 5, custom_type,...)

The MPI will still have to do some offset math in order to find the elements in the entire array. MPI_BOTTOM can be tempting, as it saves a couple lines of code. However, MPI_BOTTOM should generally be avoided. One of the advantages of datatypes is that they can be reused to avoid errors in user applications. If absolute addresses are used with MPI_BOTTOM, it is not possible to reuse the datatype in a generic way.

Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions

One common misconception with MPI datatypes is that they are slow. Early in the life of MPI, using MPI datatypes to pack messages was often slower than packing the data by hand. Datatype performance has been and continues to be an active area of research, allowing datatype implementations to achieve much higher performance. Some MPI implementations are even capable of doing scatter/gather sends and receives, completely eliminating the need to pack messages for transfer. In short, poor datatype performance is generally a thing of the past and getting better every day.

MPI provides huge, often overwhelming, number of options when working with datatypes. Although it is often tempting to use the predefined datatypes and avoid complexity, proper use of datatypes can reduce errors and improve performance. Using a complex datatype removes the problem of ensuring the correct order of sends and receives to move a structure piecemeal.

Where to Go From Here?

This column provides a number of examples of using datatypes to their full potential. The resources listed in the side bar present even more examples of utilizing datatypes to simplify applications. Next month, we will move on to any implementor's favorite subject: common mistakes in using MPI and how to avoid them.

MPI Forum (MPI-1 and MPI-2 specifications documents)
MPI - The Complete Reference: Volume 1, The MPI Core (2nd ed) (The MIT Press) By Marc Snir, Steve Otto, Steven Huss-Lederman, David Walker, and Jack Dongarra. ISBN 0-262-69215-5
MPI - The Complete Reference: Volume 2, The MPI Extensions (The MIT Press) By William Gropp, Steven Huss-Lederman, Andrew Lumsdaine, Ewing Lusk, Bill Nitzberg, William Saphir, and Marc Snir. ISBN 0-262-57123-4.
NCSA MPI tutorial

This article was originally published in ClusterWorld Magazine. It has been updated and formated for the web. If you want to read more about HPC clusters and Linux, you may wish to visit Linux Magazine.

Brian Barrett is a Ph.D. Candidate at Indiana University, and is one of the core developers of Open MPI.